Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog


Sarah's Beer of the Week 08.09.18

Parlez vous Francais?  No?  That's ok, turns out my beer this week, from Bruery Terreux is actually made in California.  When I saw the bottle, I was convinced it was French, or Belgian.  Nope, they are from Cali and make Flemish style beer.  I was wrong on all accounts.  The beer I tried is called Oude Tart.  It's a Flemish Style red Ale aged in wine barrels.  This is a flavor bomb of a beer.  I don't drink a lot of sours, because they make my face pucker and my mouth hate me.  Someone brought this one over to share at a BBQ and I will say I was pleasantly surprised.  It's not someone you want a giant glass of...but it pairs really nicely with food.  It's a sipper, and as I said, it's a flavor bomb.  Yes it's tart, but it didn't make my face turn into a prune like some other sours do.  If this style intrigues you, I'd buy the big bottle and share with some friends over a nice meal.  Or as an after meal treat by the fire pit.  not for the faint of heart!  

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