Tuesday's Show: Getting Through It Together

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Love In An Elevator

Danny's elevator run-in has us all rethinking elevator etiquette. Plus... Jet Blue bans a man for flying with corona virus, there's an ax rampage in the palace, and it turns out more sleep = more happiness, which explains a lot about Paul.

I'm Not Caught Up

Listeners are hunkering down and they join us in recommending movie franchises and TV shows to binge watch... Plus, Sarah's Filthy Forecast is hot, hot, hot, The Big News is big, and we ask the simple question, Which Styx Is It?!?

The Great Outdoors

Get outside and do something, we discuss all the options of outdoor sites and activities... Plus, Amazon is hiring big time, some toilet paper may be cursed, and what are the brothels doing though all of this?

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