Jellybean The Lil' Butcher, METH GATORS and Much More On Wednesday's Show!

Jellybean The Lil' Butcher

Danny had an adventure involving a bad park job and Paul informs is of the epic WWE themed party he threw for Jellybeans The Lil' Butcher birthday.Sarah informs the "Chance The Snapper" not to be confused with Chance The Rapper was recently caught in Chicago, Some big news in the world of Ikea and a strange story involving a gator in Florida all in the News. In Music and Entertainment we discuss Fleetwood Mac, a rocktastic baby and The Brady Bunch. Plus Mariners, Hockey and Peyton Manning In Sports!


Police are warning people not to flush drugs because they could create "meth gators" which kicked off a discussion about imaginary creatures and creature combos. Some of the results weren't always safe to air on the radio! We play another installment of "Winner Winner Lynyrd Skynyrd for a pair of tickets to see Lynyrd Skynyrd at White River Amphitheater. Danny tells us all about his Big News of The Day PLUS Jellybean The Lil' Butcher stops by with an Sheeptastic joke of the week.

Living On The Set Called Life

Pottery Barn is coming out with a Friends collection so you can decorate your apartment and pretend you’re living in the Friends apartment so we ask what TV show set would be the worst or best to live on. In the news we discuss a woman who is reminding people to Secure your load when out on the road ways, we find out Danny thinks people who like dark chocolate are idiot people and one man hit something in a very odd place. In Music and Entertainment we chat about Slash, Katy Perry and Oliver Stone. Plus Mariners and other things involving balls in sports.

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