Sarah was rooting for the wrong team, according to many of her co-workers, but she's from there originally, so we understand...we're just sick to death of that city and its sports teams and how many damned championships they have over the last decade or so. Sarah's Beaver is a Seattle Mariners fan, and has never experienced a championship, letting alone getting to the playoffs we've been avoiding for almost two decades. So she had trouble getting excited about any of it...until Sarah announced she had tickets and would be taking her Beaver out in public again...and in a place chock foll 'o celebrities!
If you can tell Danny and Sarah where her Beaver has been Friday morning, you could win a pair of tickets to see the new Queen and Freddy Mercury bio-pic Bohemian Rhapsody at the iPic Theater in Redmond!
As always, the phone number to use is 1-800-252-1025...good luck, and Happy Beaver Hunting!
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