It helps to have beer friends. People who are interested in trying new beers. One of my East Coast buds gave me a beer from Vermont called Sip of Sunshine. Considering the size of the brewery, this isn't something you're going to find all across the US. Lawson's Finest Liquids is in Warren Vermont. Never heard of the brewery or the town until this beer arrived. Looks like they brew in Connecticut, which is even more confusing. When I opened the can, I knew right away it was going to be something special. What an incredible aroma. Have you ever wanted to drink a smell? I guess that's the good thing about beer. You can. It is tropical, and floral. It has the smell that literally includes everything I love in an IPA. I reluctantly shared this with Matt, since it was a tall boy. He was appreciative, since this is absolutely ridiculously good beer. If you visit the East Coast, or live there now, you must find this beer. Just another beer to show how the craft beer movement is continuing to grow, and you should always try beers from all around, even if you've never heard of them. The reward is worth it!
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