Where Has Sarah's Beaver Been? (4/27)

If you own a house anywhere near Seattle, chances are you've gotten an offer in the mail, or perhaps taped to your door, from a greedy developer looking to buy your house in order to tear it down and make a quick buck by replacing it with lego-box "density". Happens all the time, and while some dream of a really BIG offer...that'd buy them a mansion somewhere else...others think "F*** that S***, I LIVE here!" Would you sell? What about...for one million dollars? Case in point, this Seattle house said to be the inspiration behind the 2009 Disney/Pixar film that's only #7 on their never-ending list of moneymills, but #1 in jerking at the heartstrings of KZOK employees...even Captain Morgan said he cried when Ellie died. Contrary to popular rumor, this house wasn't the inspiration for the movie, but it made the news again this week when the developer in question here said it will be preserved...somehow.

If you can tell Danny and Sarah where her Beaver has been Friday morning, you could win a pair of tickets to see Def Leppard and Journey at the Gorge Amphitheater Saturday Zeptember 29th.

As always, the phone number to use is 1-800-252-1025...good luck, and Happy Beaver Hunting!

-Thanks to The Stranger, KIRO TV, and Q-13 Fox for details on this story.

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