Sarah's Beer of the Week 12.01.2022

This week I ordered a keg from Total Wine. The kegorator was empty after kicking my IPA from Lucky Envelope Brewing. Time for a change from IPA's...I got an Amber from New Belgium Brewing!  Fat Tire is a tried and true amber, but I have to say, one I haven't had in ages. It's almost like rediscovering PBnJ or Cap'n Crunch. You haven't had it in a while and it's like you forgot how amazing it is. New Belgium is out of Colorado, and have been brewing since 1991. I think the last time I had it was when I was in Denver ticking the Rockies off my ballpark list. Great ballpark btw. And Fat Tire is a great beer. A legit fantastic amber. If you like this beer style you will love this! 

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