Sarah's Beer of the Week 04.07.2022

Couple of cool beers made their way into my fridge this week, from a brewery in Renton called Bickersons Brewhouse. Yes Virginia, there is a Beera Claus. Bickersons Brewhouse is pretty new to the game, opening just a few years ago. They offer a nice variety of styles, including the two I tried, an Icelandic Pilsner, and a Hazy IPA. If Belgian's are your thing, they've got that. Marzen? Sour? Baltic Porter? Got 'em. For two people who started out adulthood as wine and spirits people they have transformed nicely to beer brewers. I love their slogan. "Just really good beer". Well said! Word is they're moving into the space occupied by Peddler Brewing in Ballard. Second location!

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