Sarah's Beer of the Week 08.19.2021

My husband Matt had to take a trip north to Mount Vernon. He spotted a new brewery, and thoughtfully stopped to pick some up! Temperate Habits Brewing is the brainchild of Brooke and Katie, two doctors of pharmacy. Those are certainly words I've not used in a beer blog before! These two smarties wanted to use their knowledge of chemistry and put it to use making beer! Matt had the Stupid Drinkable Summer Ale at the brewery, and brought me home a crowler of their Citra Pale Ale. One of the things I love about Citra is the aroma. Smells ridiculously good. It pours hazy straw color, had good carbonation, and as I said, smelled wonderful. They're brewing a well balanced, flavorful Pale, without any bitterness. Would have paired nicely with their mac and cheese but that will have to wait until next time! Looks like I'll be joining Matt next time, so I can try more beers from the newbies. Good stuff Docs!

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