What a great prize this week! Friday morning you can win tickets to the New Years Eve Patton Oswalt show at McCaw Hall! Be ready to call Friday at 7:20a. And of course check out the beaver shots below. 1 of 24I like to head South2 of 24Whatcha pointing at?3 of 24Hello fine sir4 of 24I like his trophy5 of 24PARTY6 of 247 of 24Not making any purchases here...8 of 24Beer?9 of 2410 of 24More beer?11 of 2412 of 2413 of 2414 of 2415 of 2416 of 24Pretty cool view17 of 24PLAY BALL18 of 24RUDY!19 of 2420 of 24nom nom nom21 of 24HELLO hello hello....22 of 24Where's my cushion?23 of 2424 of 24