Sarah's Beer of the Week 04.16.2020

For the blog this week I tried a beer that comes from a collaboration between Canadian brewer Unibroue and the band Megadeth. The beer is called A Tout le Monde. Fans of the band might recall their song A Tout le Monde. No, the beer isn't named after the song. Legend has it, Dave Mustaine reached out to the brewery about making a beer together.

Symphony of Destruction? More like Symphony of CONSUMPTION. This is a saison, dry hopped and on the low end of ABV at 4.5%. Spring is here, and this is the perfect brew for a warmer day. Tons of flavor, spice, and a bit of fruitiness. Mega-good. You'll be able to find this beer in plenty of stores. Crack this open, crank up the tunes and à votre santé mes amies.

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