A Bag of Dicks and Then We Hit The Road Again: Friday's Show!

Grab Me A Bag Of Dicks

Danny informs us of he most recent trip to one of his favorite burger joints, DICKS! In Music and Entertainment we talk about the fact that Paul might be doing harm to his health and not even know it, there is something that will be disappearing from Netflix that many of us will be sad to see go and Clifford The Dog, Plus Sports of Course. In the news we chat about snow plows hitting the streets in Seattle, a strange robbery in Oregon and a flying car.... In Florida!

Do I Have TO??

Tis the season for Christmas cards and many are forcing their kids or pets into the awkward photos which kicks off a discussion on things our parents made us do that we hated as kids. We play a very ENCHANTED version of "Where has Sarah's Beaver Been?" for a $40 gift card to Georgetown Brewing! Plus Danny hooks us up with his Big News of The Day!!

On The Road Again

We play one FINAL round of "Name That Crow!" for tickets to see The Black Crowes on September 4th at The White River Amphitheater! The list is out of most traveled to cities in the world. Hong Kong tops the list. In the US, it's NYC, Miami, Los Angeles and Las Vegas so we have a conversation about the places in the U.S we would like to travel to. In the news we discuss which State has been named #1 in the U.S the answer might surprise you, a dentist is in big trouble for doing something very strange and of course THE FRIDAY FUN FACT! In Music and Entertainment we chat about a musician who lost his voice, and now has it back, Swifies Rejoice she has released Christmas music and that dang that baby yoda making again. In sports we talk Baseball,Football and a death. PLUS Movie Reviews of Course because its FRIDAY!

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