Sarah's Beer of the Week 11.28.19

Thanksgiving. A time to be with family. Eat, drink and give thanks. And a time for turkey beer. Just kidding, that would be super gross. No, this week I had a beer that was delicious and had nothing to do with turkey. Brown IPA from Dogfish Head. Indian Brown is an unusual style. It's sort of a combo of a Scotch Ale, and an IPA. It's a great combo. A malty ipa. Dogfish Head is out of Delaware. You don't hear a lot about beers from Delaware. These guys have been around for quite some time, and they know what they're doing. The beer is excellent. You can find a few of their styles in stores here in WA and I think you'll enjoy it. This Thanksgiving, I give thanks for so much, including all of you for reading my beer blog.  

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