Well the season is winding down....for your Seattle Mariners anyhow...who thank you for putting up with another "rebuilding year" with Fan Appreciation events all weekend long at T-Mobile Park. But other teams will be going on....to the playoffs and World Series. As you may have noticed, Sarah's Beaver has been on a quest this summer to visit Every Ballpark in America....she didn't quite make them all, but she did go to the home of Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder's favorite team, a park his band has played at, and will play again this year!
If you can tell Danny and Sarah where her Beaver has been Friday morning, you could win a pair of tickets to Oktoberfest Northwest...3 days of Beer, Bratwurst, Leiderhosen, live music, food, and even more Beer, Friday Rocktober 4th through Sunday the 6th at the Washington State Fair Event Center in Puyallup!
As always, the phone number to use is 1-800-252-1025...good luck, and Happy Beaver Hunting!
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