Your Mom
Our morning starts off with us going a little off the rails in a good way :) Sarah updates us on a plane that crashed on the Kitsap Peninsula, a sad amount of people are reporting they are friendless and on kid is in big trouble in Florida. We touch base on The Rolling Stones, Denise Richards and a Poop Museum in Music and Entertainment. Mariners, Seahawks and Tom Brady in Sports.
Rick Jones Was a Rolling Stone
The Rolling Stones have been participating in local traditions on their tour eating scrapple in Philly and Taylor Ham in New Jersey so we discuss all the things they need to do while in Seattle. We play the game we are pretty sure is going to get Paul Fired " Finger a Famous Foreigner!" For tickets to see Foreigner and Night Ranger at the Washington State Fair Sept 18th. Rick Jones from Goldberg Jones "Divorce For Men stops by for free law advice on Life Coach With Rick Jones. PLUS Jellybean hooks us up with her Joke of the Week!
Final Finale
Stephen King says the ending to The Stand will be different when it goes on Hulu so we discuss all the things we wish had different endings. In the news we learn that one of Paul Allen's Jets is up for sale, one woman in Queensland found a very disturbing thing on her car and one aspiring Instagram model is in big trouble! which reminds us that you can find the the whole show on social media @Thedoochman on twitter @SarahKZOK @PaulKZOK @AmandaJKZOK on insta and Facebook! In Music and Entertainment we disucss The Rolling Stones, Tupac and Disney. Plus Mariners, Seahawks and Tom Brady in Sports.