Today's Show "Danny and His Hats"

Danny and His Hats

Danny is a little disappointed that no one has mentioned his fabulous hats, he has worn fabulous hats everyday this week!! In the news Sarah informs us about new measles cases here in the PNW, would could be a fun job opening up in London if you like boats and a Florida story involving a woman and her coconuts. BIG news with the Rolling Stones, one comedian making news for a joke gone bad and some pretty amazing legos in Music and Entertainment. PLUS we find out Sarah and Amanda have never been to a sounders game, a whole lot of Mariners and NBA all in Sports.

No Need For Conversations

Uber is coming out with a "silent mode" option in the near future were you can request to not be spoken to when you order your ride, so we end up discussing times we have wished to not be stuck in a conversation. We play "The C Word!" for tickets to see Chicago in July at the Chateau St Michelle. Danny tells us the low down on his Big News of The Day and Sarah give another fantastic filthy forecast.

The End Of The Beginning Or The Beginning Of The End

Game of Thrones is ending this Sunday which is sad for many of us, but could also be good since there maybe some amazing spin offs, which kicks off the topic of Things that we were happy or sad to see end! In the news we chat about someone who had to be rescued from Mt Baker, a Zombie Raccoon and a possible explanation as to why Paul is such an ass. In music and entertainment we have big news for the Rolling Stones, Kiss, and The TV show Rick and Morty. Mariners,Sounders and the NBA all in Sports!

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