Today's Show "Don't Go Taking Away My Pizza Pie"

Don't Go Taking Away My Pizza Pie

Sarah kicks off our Friday by trying to take away our pizza!! Danny hurts himself while trying to put his leg over his head and oh so much more. We update you on two shootings that happened over night, amazon is trying to take over Bellevue and one nun is in big trouble all in News! We chat about Woodstock updates, The Pretenders and Star Wars Land in Music and Entertainment plus Mariners, The Denver Broncos and one super fancy baseball suite in Arizona all in sports.


People are expected to see Captain Marvel in droves this weekend which makes us discuss which superheros are the best and the worst! We play the final round of "Take The Money and Run!" for tickets to see Steve Miller Band out at Chateau St. Michelle on Aug 30th! Danny hits us with his Big News of The Day which includes One shocking discovery that could be world changing,One woman who read the fine print the reward she got is pretty spectacular and oh so much more. PLUS We play Where has Sarah's Beaver Been!

Joining The YMCA

A dog joined in running alongside the Iditarod dogs because it was just so fun to run with his furry friends which kicks off a conversation about things that look like so much fun we can't help but join in. Sarah tells us all about an incident with a hatchet, one very naughty priest and of course the Friday Fun Fact!! We have all the info on a new John Lennon TV special, Taylor Swift and her many stalkers plus some tasty new grub in Disney Land all in Music and Entertainment. We discuss Mariners and the Dallas Cowboys in Sports! PLUS we tell you all about the new movies hitting theaters this weekend!

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