Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog


Sarah's Beer of the Week 03.04.2021

You know what local brewery I love? Seapine Brewing Company in Sodo. I'm not sure they reciprocate since I did a video beer blog there a few years ago, and after a few beers I had a nice chat with the portrait of Jimmy Carter they have displayed. You can view it HERE. Now, in my defense, Jimmy Carter was instrumental in the craft beer movement, 

That's right, Our 39th President, and a lesser known man Alan Cranston, a veteran democratic senator from California helped propel the craft beer scene. How so? On October 14, 1978, Jimmy Carter signed the bill H.R. 1337, which contained an amendment sponsored by Alan Cranston. That amendment created an exemption from taxation of beer brewed at home for personal or family use. Essentially, it lifted regulations imposed by Prohibition laws over 50 previous years. We wouldn't have the Granddaddy's like Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams etc if no President Carter.

But I digress. Seapine is brewing some wonderful beers. And have thankfully started canning. I picked up a four pack of the Mosaic Pale Ale. Oh the aroma. Oh the mouthfeel. It's a great beer. If you like Pale Ale you will love this beer. It's light and clean, yet has a nice bitter hop edge. Straight up delicious stuff. Cheers my friends, and Hi President Carter! Thank you!


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