A German beer for this week. Veltins. This is a pilsner, with moderate alcohol (4.8 ABV). It's aroma is skunky, which is what many of us expect and want from a German brew. I call it the skunky funky and I love it. Veltins has nice high carbonation and rounded malt flavor.
It seems like there is a lot of theater of the mind going on with the lack of travel and human interaction this year. Sometimes you just want to pour a drink and pretend you're not back on the same old couch again. Maybe at a Summer BBQ or on a beach. I poured this in a German beer stein and pretended I was back in Munich at the Christmas markets. Drinking beers with newly made friends at a German beer hall. I know we'll all travel again, but until then I'll drink some beers that remind me of fun times. Prost!
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