A beer recently caught my eye while shopping at Total Wine. Once you see the name you'll understand why. Red Zeppelin. Of course I had to buy it, despite knowing nothing about this beer. It comes from 54-40 Brewing out of Washougal WA. Must confess, I've never heard of this brewery before, nor have I been to Washougal, making this an even more exciting find. Looks like their specialty is NW and German beers, and the brewer has a badass name...Bolt Minister.
A good Amber is hard to find. Whenever I drink one, Matt yells AMBUHH. Which will make sense to viewers of the TV show Survivor. Amber's are not the most popular style, and often times I find them too malty. Not enough hops to balance it out. Not so with the Red Zeppelin. It's very well balanced, toasted malts and nice hop notes as well. Washougal isn't an easy place for me to swing by, but if it is, stop by and pick some up! Or get some at Total Wine or a beer store near you. Continue to support local, friends!
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