Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog

Sarah's Beer Blog


Sarah's Beer of the Week 03.08.18

Hellbent Brewing in Lake City makes a delicious coconut stout.  BUT, it's not always available.  And it's not in cans or bottles.  So when I saw a coconut porter from Oskar Blues Brewing at the store I jumped for joy.  Oskar Blues (out of Colorado) makes one of my all time favorite beers, Dale's Pale Ale.  I figured trying another beer from the them was a safe bet.  Often times coconut porters also include a large dose of chocolate, making it too sweet for my taste.  Many other brewers CLAIM to make a coconut beer, but you don't taste the coconut.   Oskar's has found the right balance.  This is one of the best around.  According to their website they don't offer this year round, so make sure to give it a try now, before the Spring weather gets here!  You'll find Dale's Pale just about everywhere, so if that's a style you like, be sure to give it a try too.  Cheers!

Death by Coconut
Delicious beer!

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