Magnus Ferrell, the son of SNL and Elf Actor Will Ferrell, played his first live performance opening up for the Psychedelic Furs at a charity show. They were joined on stage by Will Ferrell for a cowbell cameo.
In the History of Rock in 1969 – Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” enters the Billboard chart. It went on to reach number 4 and was the first of six Top 40 singles for the group.
In 1975 – Rev Charles Boykin of Tallahassee, Florida organized the burning of Elton John and Rolling Stones records, claiming they were sinful. Boykin was reacting to the results from a survey saying, 984 of 1,000 local unmarried mothers had sex when listening to rock music.
And in 1993 – The Eagles tape a video for Country star Travis Tritt’s version of “Take It Easy”. The get-together will eventually lead to the band’s reunion.