Guns N' Roses' Axl Rose fell on stage during a show in London on Friday, June 30th, and fans captured the entire incident on video. According to Consequence of Sound, the 61-year-old singer slipped and fell to the ground before quickly rising again with microphone still in hand. Video footage shows Rose walking backwards across the stage before tumbling down. As he got up, he shared a laugh with a crowd of concerned concert goers and continued to perform.
After the song was finished, Rose joked with the audience about the fall stating, "I don’t want to jinx it, but hopefully I’ve got all the slip and sliding out of the way."
Consequence of Sound mentioned that Guns N' Roses received an abundance of criticism following their headlining set at Glastonbury Festival on Saturday, June 24th. Fans at the festival, in addition to those tuning in online to watch the show, slammed the band for the quality of Rose's singing, and the groups' overall sound during the performance. Guns N' Roses responded to the influx of criticism on social media tweeting, " would take a lot more hate than you," citing applicable lyrics from their 2008 hit, "Chinese Democracy."
Guns N' Roses are set to kick off the North American leg of their tour one month from today in Moncton, California with special guest, Carrie Underwood.