Sarah's Beer of the Week 03.07.19

My favorite German brewer is Schneider Weisse. I discovered their beer while on a trip to Munich. They have a great brewery/restaurant. They've been brewing since 1872. They sell bottles here in the US, but it's not always easy to find. This week I spotted a bottle of the Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock. This is a dark, rich wheat beer. Full bodied, full flavored and full on delicious. It's got all the characteristics of a good wheat beer (banana and spice), but much much more. It's malt forward, roasty toasty, and the perfect winter beer. You can only find Schneider Weisse in big bottles, so you can easily share with a friend. If you like wheat beer, or flavorful German beer Schneider Weisse is a much purchase!

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