I had a bunch of beer friends over for a bottle share recently. Everyone brings something special over, and you get to share and sample some good beer. A few days later, I discovered a strange bottle had been left in my fridge. I guess we never got to it, or it was left by a beer fairy. The beer in question is from Structures Brewing out of Bellingham. A Saison called Psychosphere. It's a peach Saison, aged in oak and stainless steel. Funky monkey. People either love or hate Saison's and sours. And there is a funk to Belgian style beers. For me, it's small doses. And I'll take a Saison over a sour. This is a really unique brew, with some seriously complex flavors going on. The peach really comes through, but it's not a sweet beer, nor cloying. If you haven't tried a Saison or if you see one of these types of beers that might be outside your wheel house, don't be afraid to try it out...with some friends to help! You never know what you might like. Structures is making some very interesting beers and one of these days I've got to make a beer trip to Bellingham.