There are so many new beers on the market, and so many new breweries that sometimes you have to stop and remind yourself to revisit a beer you've had before. Especially if you haven't had it in 6 years. That was the case for me at a little beer spot called Kiss Cafe in Ballard. This is a small little place with an amazing beer selection.
I ordered a beer I know I've had but can't remember if I liked it or not. Racer IPA is from a Cali brewer called Bear Republic Brewing Company. The smell was intoxicating. Nice and floral. The taste? Scrumptious. It's one of those IPA's that has all the qualities that make IPA as popular as it is. Hoppy and slightly bitter. Complex but not confusing. Well carbonated with good sized bubbles. Citrus without being fruity. It's a straight up IPA that tastes really darned good. You gotta figure there's a reason a style from a brewer lasts the ages. While I will still continue to try as many new beers as I can, this was a nice return for me. Slainte.
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